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Stainless steel handmade sandwich panel

Stainless steel handmade sandwich panel, using high quality stainless steel as the surface layer, with rock wool, magnesium rock wool, magnesium, aluminum silicate, polyurethane, aluminum (paper) honeycomb and other materials as the core layer to keel for support, made by heating, pressure, glue curing. With a smooth and beautiful surface, high strength, sound insulation, insulation, heat preservation, seismic, size can be customized, convenient connection, easy disassembly, core material is not exposed, easy construction and other properties. 

Product Specifications

Length: according to customer's demand (generally ≤6000mm)

Width: standard board: 980mm, 1180mm; non-standard board any customization

Thickness: 50mm, 75mm, 100mm

Board type: medium aluminum type, male and female mouth type, three female a formula

Fire resistance: Class A

Performance and quality standards 

High strength and corrosion resistance.

Modular design, flexible and convenient installation.